Monday, February 14, 2011

Elements of Year Book and Notes

1.) photos
2.) text
3.) captions
4.) portraits
5.) Cover
6.) mascot

  • Cover: name of School, Year, specific words, color, pictures, mascot, name of year book, volume #, theme (CINCO)
  • Endsheets: (front) pictures, words, mascot, year, table of content, name of individual chapter (back) list of Staff, design
  • Colophon: description on how the year book was made
  • Title page: Name of School, Address, Phone #, Fax #, Website, Enrollment, UIL District, theme, year
  • Spread: 2 pages connected to each other that work together
  • Opening spread is often called the Theme Page (s) Quotes, one big picture/ letter, name of divider page
  • Divider Pages- seperate sections of the book (1. Sociology 2. Neurology 3. Kinesiology 4. Psychology 5. Genealogy)
  • letter from Seniors, big text, little text, designs, names of people
  • Thank you or acknowledgements, Index, closing page, big group pictures, blank page for signatures, editor page, closing